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May 2022 - Natural health CONTROVERSY: The Real Reason Why 9 out of 10 People Over 45 Are Aging Too Fast... When my 67-year old father clutched his heart... as he fell off the roof, headfirst... I saved my father’s life with THIS little-known "Longevity Mineral," NO ONE should be without it... You could use this breakthrough today to turn back the clock and give you the youthful health, energy, and immunity you deserve! I remember all too well the day my heart broke. “Daddy is going to die!” My sister was sobbing uncontrollably. I stood there. Frozen. Feeling completely helpless as the blood drained out of my face. “I’m so scared!” she cried. I waited for her next words but there was a deafening silence. “What happened?” I asked. My little sister, choking back her tears, tried to help me make sense of just what had happened to my first hero. “Dad was working on the roof of the house... he was coming down the 10-ft ladder, the neighbor saw him clutch his chest and fall to the ground, headfirst.” The neighbor called 9-1-1 and fortunately the paramedics arrived in just minutes. Those quick-acting first responders saved my Dad’s life. They said my strong, hard-working dad suffered a myocardial infarction – a heart attack – and the fall caused a traumatic head injury. He was lucky to be alive... Dad stayed in critical condition in the hospital for nearly three weeks. Doctors said his overworked heart was extremely weak. He couldn’t move... barely ate...Dad didn’t even know my name... The thought of my father spending his Golden Years frail and feeble... ... unable to recognize his family... weak and unable to move...just tore me apart. Doctors said he was “blessed to be alive”. But was he really living? They said his heart may eventually perform at 60% capacity. One doctor even smugly said “if that.” Those words hit me like a ton of bricks! Shocked and distrustful, I knew that my Dad would be counting on me to prove the doctors wrong! But little did I know that... This near fatal accident would lead me to discover a Longevity Breakthrough so powerful that anyone can use it to live longer — and younger (by delivering age-defying compounds directly to your cells) in a way that has been ignored for decades! Folks Just Like You And Me Are Turning Back the Clock with This Remarkable Longevity Breakthrough ... First, Carol W. from Delaware - “I feel great and I’m walking two miles four times a week. Losing weight and feeling energized with this.” Next Up, Marianne I. 71 years young, from Australia - “I am well aware that my body needs more nutrients than diet alone can provide. I feel confident that this product is helping to keep my body and brain active.” Last but not least, Cynthia H. from North Carolina - “I take it first thing in the morning and it gives me sustainable energy that lasts throughout the day! I have clearer thinking and overall, I feel wonderful!” But before I go any further, let me introduce myself... Hi, I’m Alex Bradford. As an alternative health researcher, I’ve always been passionate about health and wellness. I was always on a diet since I was 130 pounds overweight for most of my adult life... It wasn’t until death came knocking on my door 15 years ago that I finally got my health together... ...I almost died from a near-fatal blood clot due to prescription complications. It was my WAKE UP call! So, of course, I became obsessed with finding natural remedies that ACTUALLY work! That’s why I was desperate to help my Dad. I wanted him to live...and not just that... I wanted my Dad to thrive! In my quest to help my dad get his life back, I stumbled onto this “Longevity Mineral” breakthrough... It’s the creation of one of the most important, yet little-known, men in anti-aging science. Celebrities, Royal Families, and Former Presidents Flock to This World-Renowned Scientist Who Discovered the “Longevity Mineral” to Shave Off YEARS of Aging! Dr. Hans Nieper served as the Director of Medicine at the highly acclaimed Paracelsus Silbersee Hospital in Hanover, Germany. His address book was a Rolodex of Who’s Who – jampacked with celebrities... presidents... and royalty! That’s right... Dr. Hans Nieper But best of all, Dr. Nieper treated thousands of folks – just like you and me! Dr. Nieper knew the secret to aging... ... is that aging and ALL disease starts at the cellular level! And to treat it – you’ve got to attack the problem at the cellular level too! Dr. Nieper came to a game-changing scientific conclusion that: Cells must either reverse back to a normal state or be destroyed! ... but there was an even bigger breakthrough. Turns out... ... another phenomenon occurred in Dr. Nieper’s study of the “Longevity Mineral”... In the Australasian Journal of Health and Healing Dr. Hans Nieper studied over 2,280 patients back in the late 1960s and early ’70s, looking for a way to reverse nerve damage... When study participants were given the “Longevity Mineral”... Their recovery was jaw dropping! Throughout the 24 year study Dr. Nieper and his team found several ways the “Longevity Mineral” could transform total body wellness... Here’s where I got excited... Participants taking the “Longevity Mineral” had: Improved circulation, healthier red blood cells, blood flowed freely and easily, and varicose veins practically vanished… They became more youthful from the inside out...aches and pains were soothed… In addition, bone density increased ,they began to breathe easier, and brain fog disappeared! Lastly their energy levels skyrocketed... improving their quality of life and long-term wellbeing... As it turns out, “aging” ain’t the big issue... The trouble starts within your cells! And that’s where the real problem lies...your cells. Aging and chronic conditions all start at cellular level. ... The older your cells - the more tears and holes develop on the outer walls - like Swiss cheese. What happens is vitamins and minerals that would naturally be absorbed by the cell wall start to leak out... ...And that’s when nasty intruders like free radicals, bacteria, toxins and viruses...can quickly enter and attack cells right down to your DNA! Dr. Nieper discovered that one part of the “Longevity Mineral” was an essential natural part of the cell membrane. He added another component, let’s call it the “Cellular Activator” to the “Longevity Mineral” that triggers the cell to rebuild itself. Let me quickly go over how this miraculous compound works. Once the remarkable “Longevity Mineral” comes in contact with the cell... The “Longevity Mineral” goes to work to seal up holes in your cell membranes and rebuild cells... ... like spackle patching up a nail hole in a wall... ... and it rebuilds dysfunctional cells... UNHEALTHY CELL HEALTHY CELL ... And shuttles nutrients directly to your cells – right where you need them most to boost cellular function and turn back the clock on aging... The “Longevity Mineral” renews cells and instantly delivers nutrients to your cells! Just like FedEx delivers a package to your door. So, instead of your minerals and nutrients “passing through” you... ... The “Longevity Mineral” transports all the good stuff right where you need it most! That means your heart... brain... lung... and nerve cells get bathed in revitalizing nutrients that invigorate them! 2 3 4 5 6 7 The “Longevity Mineral” even creates an invisible anti-aging shield for every cell in your body! But the great news is... This Little-Known “Longevity Mineral” can protect your cells from aging-related breakdown and support healthy cells! Including cells that make up your brain... heart... liver... eyes... and even sex organs! So you can unleash insane amounts of energy to power you 24/7. And feel alive, quick, and ready to face whatever the day holds for you... The “Longevity Mineral” is in a category of its own... Over $50 million dollars in clinical research backs up this powerful discovery... In fact, numerous studies and clinical trials show this new breakthrough can help all your cells... Rejuvenate struggling heart cells! To pump blood into tired heart cells to rev up energy and activity! Cross the brain-blood barrier to feed brain cells! That means no more "brain fog," or awkward "senior moments" for you! Rotate shoulders and knees without pain after a busy day! Also boosts muscle strength and rejuvenates skeletal muscles – so you can MOVE again! Protect your cells from viruses and toxins! Strengthen and seal cell membranes - and keep out nasty bugs. Increase energy levels! Boost your body’s natural production of youthful hormones – so you can feel like you’re 30 again! Strong as steel bones! Infuses bones with key minerals and essential elements to keep them strong as steel! I knew I had to find a reliable source of the “Longevity Mineral” for my Dad. It had to be a pure bioactive form that would blend easily with special nutrients and vitamins for joint support, heart health, brain health, and immune support... I finally called one of my colleagues who’s the head scientist at a leading natural lab in the United States. Finally, after months and months of testing... And after trying out loads of combinations with my Dad. We finally did it! I’m Thrilled My Dad Was Willing to Give It A Try - Because Now: The grandkids are saying, “Hey Grandpa, Slow Down!” He laughs because he realized that the occasional aches and pains he used to worry about are no longer a concern and they can’t keep up with him! His memory is sharper! No more frustrating memory slips, “brain fog,” absentmindedness, or forgetfulness! He wakes up each morning with increased energy and stamina! From now on he’s the captain of his ship. He can choose to do whatever he wants when he wants! He can chop wood, go for long walks, or build a deck...his list never ends! There’s never been anything like this unique, powerful formula created before! “Hey Grandpa, Slow Down!” Which consists of a unique form of the excellent “Longevity Mineral” known as Calcium 2-aminoethylphosphate, but you can call it Ca 2-AEP for short. But I have to warn you Ca 2-AEP is nothing like the calcium you’d find in milk. Ca 2-AEP a.k.a the “Longevity Mineral” is a vital component in the structure of cell membranes in the human body. We combined the “Longevity Mineral” with powerful supercell micronutrients such as D-Ribose, MSM, Shilajit, Marine Phytoplankton, Ecklonia Cava, and Vitamin D3. So you’ll be able to... Bounce back faster! Think quicker! And feel like a kid again – or at least way younger! Before turning this formula into a supplement I made sure that it is: Non-GMO... Chemical and preservative free... 100% natural... Backed by scientific research... Affordable to manufacture... Made in the USA in a GMP certified facility... After all my requirements were 100% met, we finally had the final formula: That’s why once I saw how effective this cellular rejuvenation formula is, I knew I had to get it into as many hands as possible. Because... While Aging May Be Inevitable, HOW You Age Is Totally Up To You. CELLXRENEWAL™ is Armor for Your Cells It’s the Only All-in-One Cellular Rejuvenation & Cell Protection Formula of its kind CellXRenewal featuring the “Longevity Mineral” is the latest breakthrough in the science of longevity that can bring back the health, energy, and confidence you had in your youth. In every serving – you get the remarkable rejuvenating power of a total of 7 Synergistic Supercell Micronutrients designed to support: Increased Energy Healthier metabolism Balanced immunity Long-term health and wellness And each rejuvenated cell means you’ll maintain your strength, energy, and still have a sexy body well into your golden years. Inside every CellXRenewal capsule you’ll find: 7 Clinically-Proven Ingredients that are Essential to Cellular Renewal, Increased Energy, Healthy Aging, and Metabolism Support Ca 2-AEP: The Longevity Mineral is protective armor for your cells. It renews cells, boosts cell energy, improves cell signaling and slows aging-related chronic conditions at the cellular level to support a healthier rejuvenated YOU! MSM: Joint protection and support... To help you move freely with less soreness, soothe aches, and MORE stability and endurance. D-Ribose: The “energy spark” that every cell needs... To power up your heart, energize tired muscles, and naturally increase blood flow! Shilajit: Get back your razor-sharp mind... to regain deeper focus, quicker recall, support long-term memory, and ease anxiety levels! Marine Phytoplankton: Send in your cell’s natural “clean up crew” ... to rid your body of cellular garbage to support a healthy inflammatory response and power up energy levels! Ecklonia Cava: Knocks out free radicals... with potent antioxidants more powerful than resveratrol or turmeric to support healthy inflammatory responses and keep your body functioning at peak capacity! Vitamin D3: Powers up your immune system... to lower your risk of illness, , improve bone health, and balance your mood! The product is made here, in the USA, in our FDA approved and GMP certified facility, under sterile, strict and precise standards. CellXRenewal is non-GMO and safe. You can rest assured that it does not contain any dangerous toxins or stimulants, and more importantly, none of the ingredients are habit forming. Stock Up with a 6 Month Supply and Save $100 Per Bottle When You Take Advantage of the 6-Bottle Best Deal Today... You’ll Also Get Two Exclusive Bonuses... Absolutely FREE! FREE GIFT #1 - $19.95 Value Special Report: Use It or Lose It How to Keep Your Brain Youthful to 100 and Beyond! The #1 reason why your brain is "hardening". How it prevents you from learning new skills and information, increases your risk of dementia and what you can do to reverse it! The common habit that actually causes brain drain! Plus, what to do instead to safeguard your thinking. How the Richard Simmons secret quickly boosts brain cells. Researchers say it can make your brain bigger and keep your memories crystal clear. Why you must have the Mother of ALL Antioxidants to safeguard your brain cells. But you can’t get it from just any old supplement - and your brain is starving for it! Let the games begin! Discover the fun ways you can "flex" your brain - gain mental clarity and lose the "brain fog!" Hint: Crossword puzzles don’t work! And much more... FREE GIFT #2 - $19.95 Value Special Report: Stop The Pain Naturally Ease Pain Naturally and Regain Control of Your Life! Drugs can only do so much... the rest is up to you! Sore neck, bad back, bum knee...why traditional pain relief approaches don’t work. To get rid of the pain you need to think outside the box - discover pain relieving light therapy, ancient exercises and more... How to get REAL relief from Sciatica, Migraines and Lower Back Pain: With proven holistic remedies that are safe and effective! The simple life hacks can reduce pain by 56%. No risks or side effects. Why your pain isn’t “All in your head!” How to become your own advocate and preserve your health without becoming addicted to painkillers. And much more... Let me Sum Up What You’re Getting With the 6-Bottle Best Deal Today... 6 Bottles of CellXRenewal at a $100 Savings per Bottle... Your Two Free Bonus Reports (A $39.90 Value) FREE Shipping (A $9.95 Value)... 1 Year No Questions Asked. Iron-Clad 100% Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee For a total of $649.85 in savings and gifts. But this special 6-bottle deal is ONLY Available while supplies of CellXRenewal are in Stock... You MUST click the button below to place your order right away. STARTER PACKAGE 30 DAY SUPPLY $69 .00 /each You Save $80 SHIPPING APPLIES 365 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE BEST VALUE 180 DAY SUPPLY $49 .00 /each You Save $600 FREE SHIPPING 365 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE MOST POPULAR 90 DAY SUPPLY $59 .00 /each You Save $270 FREE SHIPPING 365 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE The moment you place the order, you'll be taken to a secure checkout page. Just fill in your payment details by using a credit or debit card. After you fill in your information and confirm your package will be shipped for free right to your doorstep as soon as possible. If you order the 3 bottles or 6 bottles package (which we highly recommend as we estimate that we will run out of stock soon as this has happened before) you'll also take advantage of a huge discount. You have our 1-Year (365 Day) No-Questions-Asked, Iron-Clad Money-Back Guarantee CellXRenewal™ is one of the most advanced supplements available today. In fact, I’m so convinced you’ll feel younger, stronger, and revitalized after taking CellXRenewal™ for just a couple of weeks, I’m willing to back every bottle with our iron-clad guarantee. In short, if CellXRenewal™doesn’t exceed your expectations in boosting overall health, lifting your mood, sharpening your memory and infusing you with more energy than you’ve had in years, then you don’t pay a cent. Send back any unused bottles of CellXRenewal™ within the next 1 year or 365 days and my friendly customer care team will issue you a full and prompt refund. There’s no risk here! If for any reason, or no reason at all, you feel this is not for you, simply send my customer care team an email or give them a call and we’ll be more than happy to give you a 100% money-back refund minus shipping and handling. No hassles. No questions asked. No hoops to jump through. But that’s not all... ... I guaranteed you’ll get FREE shipping when you try our 3- or 6-bottle option! That’s an additional $9.95 savings! Just Click Below to Select Your Package! STARTER PACKAGE 30 DAY SUPPLY $69 .00 /each You Save $80 SHIPPING APPLIES 365 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE BEST VALUE 180 DAY SUPPLY $49 .00 /each You Save $600 FREE SHIPPING 365 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE MOST POPULAR 90 DAY SUPPLY $59 .00 /each You Save $270 FREE SHIPPING 365 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE "Now, I'm Feeling Myself Again!” Dr. Molly Leavitt Dr. Molly Leavitt “I've always taken good care of myself and as the years went by, I thought I was aging pretty well. People would tell me that I looked younger than I actually was and I certainly didn't feel my age, even into my 50's. But then, "something" changed and that "something" was that I started looking older...and feeling older. I found more lines in my face and neck, my hair was losing its thickness, and my skin was thinning. About the same time, I had a bone scan and found out that my bones were getting weaker as well. What was worse, I would come home after work, sit down, and sometimes fall asleep - like a really, really old person! But I'm a fighter so I started researching. I've always taken vitamins so I knew I needed something more than just regular run-of-the-mill multivitamin. When I found CellXRenewal™ I was attracted right away to the quality of the ingredients and the big, BIG bonus of zero mysterious chemical ingredients. Now, I'm feeling myself again! I'm not falling asleep in a chair anymore! I go through my day with a spring in my step, looking great, and happier... Best of all I can handle stress better... ...And I’m not worried about aging too fast.” Dr. Molly Leavitt, DC Chief Wellness Officer What Folks Like You Are Saying... “CellXRenewal targets an aspect of health and anti-aging that I’ve literally NEVER seen before, yet once you understand it, makes total sense. Your cells age because as your cell walls harden, nutrients cannot get in, and those cells (all of them!) are becoming malnourished. CellXRenewal helps rebuild those cell walls so your cells get those nutrients inside the cells where they can be used. I have to say, after using this product, my energy levels started getting better and better. Being a fitness trainer, I eat pretty well and thought my energy levels were already good. This was an eye-opener for me because I definitely noticed a difference. This is a product I would highly recommend if you want to turn back the clock and look and feel better.” - Nick Nilsson, Illinois, USA “CellXRenewal™ is an amazing anti-aging supplement. I have been taking it for a while and have seen such great results. It's packed with 7+ powerful ingredients that are key in supporting heart, brain, and metabolism health. It’s also Soy, Gluten and GMO free. I have recommended to friends and family, absolutely wonderful product." - Victoria Brown, UK "Since taking CellXRenewal, I have noticed a marked improvement in my muscle tone and stamina." - Paul W., Oregon "I see a change in my skin and hair and have received compliments on both since taking CellXRenewal. Plus, my mood has definitely changed and my friends have begun to call me “smiley”." - Joan R., Georgia Claim Your Discounted CellXRenewal Below While Stock Last! I can't wait to hear your opinion after trying CellXRenewal! Remember! For each order of 3 and 6 bottles you will get a HUGE discount, along with FREE shipping! So click the button below to order your 6 bottles of CellXRenewal™ or whichever size you prefer to buy. And feel absolutely protected by our 100% risk-free guarantee. Click the button below now and here’s to your new life of freedom! Thank you for reading. Alex Bradford STARTER PACKAGE 30 DAY SUPPLY $69 .00 /each You Save $80 SHIPPING APPLIES 365 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE BEST VALUE 180 DAY SUPPLY $49 .00 /each You Save $600 FREE SHIPPING 365 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE MOST POPULAR 90 DAY SUPPLY $59 .00 /each You Save $270 FREE SHIPPING 365 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Our Ironclad 365-day, Money-Back Guarantee If you are not happy with the benefits CellXRenewal has to offer, we will issue a full refund! Just contact us up to 365 days from your purchase, even if you used up the entire bottle or not, we would still give you your money back. This means you have time to see if CellXRenewal is the right choice for you or not. No questions asked. No hidden fees or subscriptions. Just a safe and secure one-time simple payment. Make your choice by clicking below, enter your payment details on our secure order form, and place the order now. We will ship your bottles directly to your home. Still reading? After working with thousands of happy customers, I started to collect a lot of questions that people have about CellXRenewal™. So I kept track of the most common ones so I can answer them for you here today. This way you don’t have to wait to get your questions answered and can buy today with total confidence. Frequently Asked Questions What makes CellXRenewal™ so different from other anti-aging formulas? CellXRenewal delivers 7 powerful cell rejuvenating ingredients directly to each cell. The nutrients in this proprietary formula travel to each cell to protect it. This helps you have loads of energy, look younger and feel stronger from the inside out. Which makes the proprietary formula of CellXRenewal a one-of-a-kind incredible natural healer for your body. How long until I get results? What ingredients are in CellXRenewal™? How much should I take daily? What’s your guarantee? What if I buy multiple bottles and change my mind? What else can you tell me about CellXRenewal™? How long will CellXRenewal™ be available? Okay, I’m ready. How can I order CellXRenewal™? Claim Your Discounted CellXRenewal Below While Stock Last! STARTER PACKAGE 30 DAY SUPPLY $69 .00 /each You Save $80 SHIPPING APPLIES 365 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE BEST VALUE 180 DAY SUPPLY $49 .00 /each You Save $600 FREE SHIPPING 365 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE MOST POPULAR 90 DAY SUPPLY $59 .00 /each You Save $270 FREE SHIPPING 365 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE References






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